
Marketing Cruncher

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Infographic: The Dynamics Between Organic and Paid Search Clicks

Google released an infographic  today entitled the Impact of Organic Rank on Ad Click Incrementality. It tells a pretty interesting story of how clicks generated by a search ad campaign are impacted by the site's ranking in Google's organic search results. While the numbers presented are averages and should be interpreted with caution, they point to an interesting trend.

Google's research shows how much of your clicks are lost when you pause your search ads. (Source: Google Research Blog)

Thursday, 15 March 2012

The Language of Data Visualization

In a previous post, I talked about how we're drowning in a sea of big data. In that post, I shared some thoughts about how marketers can maximize the value derived from available data. But knowing how to use the data is only half the battle. Knowing how to communicate the value from that data is what takes you to the next level. Projects often break down because of miscommunication. It's a tremendous waste when the most brilliant insights are lost because they aren't expressed in a way that makes sense to others, especially to those who are in a position to make use of them.

Enter data visualization.
 In his TED Talk on the beauty of data visualizationDavid McCandless, a London-based author, writer and designer, talks about the impact that visualized data can have in solving the world's informational problems. Indeed, visualized data, if done right, can instantly display answers to some of the most complex questions.

What makes data visualization effective?

The Billion Dollar Gram puts into perspective the billions of dollars spent by
different organizations around the world. (Source:

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Digital Canada

Last week comScore released its 2012 Canada Digital Future in Focus Report. Released annually, the report provides insights on prevailing trends in Canada's digital industry, including social media, online video and mobile.

comScore's latest report details that state of digital in Canada (Image courtesy of comScore)

Below are some of the most intriguing stats from the latest report.

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Why You Can't Call Google+ A Ghost Town

This past week, media outlets were abuzz over a recent bit of data from comScore that compares user engagement between "rival" social networks Facebook and Google+. According to the data, during the period between September 2011 up until January 2012, users spent an average of about 3 minutes per month on Google+ compared to six to seven hours per month on Facebook (without taking into account mobile usage). This bit of data then became the basis for the Wall Street Journal to proclaim Google+ a "virtual ghost town", a place where users sign up but end up not doing much.

Google's new social network has a lot of catching up to do. But is it a ghost town?

Is Google+ truly a "virtual ghost town"?