
Marketing Cruncher

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Digital Canada

Last week comScore released its 2012 Canada Digital Future in Focus Report. Released annually, the report provides insights on prevailing trends in Canada's digital industry, including social media, online video and mobile.

comScore's latest report details that state of digital in Canada (Image courtesy of comScore)

Below are some of the most intriguing stats from the latest report.

  • Canadians continue to lead the world in online engagement, spending an average of 45 hours per month online (that's almost twice as much as the worldwide average)
  • On average, 5.3 billion entertainment videos are viewed per month
  • 271 YouTube videos were viewed per viewer in December 2011
  • P&G leads in display ad volume with over 7.5 billion display ad impressions in 2011
  • Social media sites delivered over 191.8 billion display ad impressions in 2011
  • In Q4 2011, 24% of all online display ads were 'socially-published', while 7% were 'socially-enabled'
  • Digital advertising spend is expected to total $2.6 billion in 2011 (Source: IAB Canada)
  • Smartphone penetration is now at 45% of the mobile market
  • 51.9 billion searches were made in 2011
  • Over 27 million items were purchased online in Q4 2011

If there's one thing we can take away from all of these numbers, it's that Canadians remain one of the most digitally-engaged people in the world. Canadians are now more connected than ever, providing more opportunities to deliver value.

For the full report, visit comScore.

1 comment:

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